Welcome to FCC

Former Catholics Connect is an organization that provides one on one and group support for former Catholics in a safe and understanding environment to share their personal experience with others that have encountered similar situations.


As we grow in Christ, we believe it is best done in fellowship with our brothers and sisters (Acts 2:42-47, Hebrews 10:23-25). Following this truth, we are working toward growing local support groups. While these groups do not and should not replace attendance at your local church, they do offer a more focused approach to our true identity in Christ.

Please keep in mind, that we are a start-up ministry and still growing. If you do not see a local group close to you, please contact us.

About Us

Former Catholics Connect was created by former Catholics that struggled with the transition away from the Roman Catholic church. Feeling isolated, not understood, or even shunned, we understand what you are going through.


Encourage: listen, share, ask questions and pray.

Equip: provide resources to grow in biblical grace and truth

Engage: learn ways to share your faith with your family, friends, and neighbors

If you were raised in the Roman Catholic church and are looking for support and spiritual answers, please reach out to us.


This is a general outline of what to expect when you come to a former catholic support group:

  • Greet each other with a warm welcome.

  • Open in prayer.

  • Share our testimonies, and needs and give an update on our daily lives.

  • Have open discussions about relevant books and tracts. (See groups or resource pages)

  • Encourage each other to share our faith and experiences with others and to meet with each other between meetings.

  • Discuss who we could encourage or invite to join the group.

  • Closing prayer.

  • Meetings can be held monthly for 1.5-2 hours from September to April.

©2024 Former Catholics Connect


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